Montpelier Hills News

Jun 8 2022 UPDATE PHOTOS Fairlane Trees Removal After Storm - And Storm Water Facility Rehab - PHOTOS

//// New photos below

Jun 8, 2022 New Photos Stormwater facility north of Fairlane Pl and south of Erfurt

Jun 7, 2022 PHOTOS Fairlane Trees Removal After Storm - PHOTOS
At the south end of Tuscany Dr. looking west into the usually dry storm water management facility.

Massive tree/shrub removal and seeming replacement of some culverts (first photo) after at least some homes possibly damaged on Fairlane Pl. and possibly elsewhere nearby. 

Also the central swale leading water to exit the SW facility's west-end outlet, was being cleared by a large back-hoe.

Jun 8, 2022 PHOTOS Fairlane Trees Removal After Storm - PHOTOS

This note was seen on a resident's car parked on Fairlane Pl, and another such no-parking sign on stakes along the west end of Fairlane Pl. but not elsewhere on Fairlane. But i'm going to move my car anyway, just to avoid the coming, of a presumably huge, tree-removal crane that will be maneuvering in the Fairlane parking lot, Wed Jun 8 (no hours given). 

"Film at 11" 😊


Jun 8, 2022 MORE PHOTOS Fairlane Trees Removal After Storm

Crane removing whole trees and chain-sawed trunks from behind storm-damaged homes on Fairlane Pl

This photo by another neighbor.